On completion of these courses you will be able to :-
The bachelor's degree prepares nurses for a wide variety of professional roles and graduate study. Course work includes nursing science, research, leadership, and related areas that inform the practice of nursing. It also provides the student with general education in math, humanities and social sciences. An undergraduate degree affords opportunities for greater career advancement and higher salary options. It is often a prerequisite for teaching, administrative, consulting and research roles
The most common career option for a graduate of a bachelor's degree in nursing program is a registered nurse. Other careers for Bachelor of Science in Nursing(Bsc.) graduates could include specialties like ICU nurse, emergency staff room nurse, operating room nurse, as well as nursing incharge and registered nurse supervisor.
All class rooms and lecture theatres are equipped with modern teaching aids and provided with comfort and conducive environment for learning and assimilation.
College has a well-equipped fully computerized Library which provides latest and up-to-date reference and course books. It is subscribing a large number of journals, newspapers and magazines. The good collection of Video Tapes, CD-ROMs and Audio Cassettes on different subjects make the library unique. The Computer Lab equipped with Pentium base terminals and students have access to E-mail deciliters and latest software.
Under he valuable guidance of the faculty, nursing students are allowed to work in the following and technologically equipped labs:
Students can learn maternal and childcare in the hospital so that they are well equipped and aware of urban and rural healthcare problems so that they can deal with the same.
It has all the necessary teaching aids and is well equipped with all materials required for the understanding of the fundamentals in healthcare.
Various organ models and anatomical charts are available as teaching aids for the understanding of the fundamentals in healthcare.
Nutrition lab facilities are available in the institute of nursing for practice along with real time training at for patients where students can gain knowledge for practical purpose.
In this lab students can practice and learn advance skills like administration of tube- feeding, tracheotomy, gastrostomy, I.V. injection, BLS, newborn resuscitation model, etc.
The lab is equipped with instructional videos and DVDs, supplies and equipment as well as practice manikins and pelvic models. It provides students with a realistic, simulated clinical environment to practice and demonstrate competency of selected nursing skills.
Sri Sai institute of Nursing of nursing has a large variety of books, various magazines concerned with nursing and health.
Well-ventilated classrooms with a capacity of 60 students each.
This includes a Cafeteria, multi-purpose hall, security 24 hours, generator services, safe drinking water, Xerox machine, computer lab and a recreational center.
Clinical Training:-
In this laboratory the student practice the skill and techniques for public health activities and family health care. The laboratory is unique as it provide for in-house preparation of various audio visual aids for information, education and communication activities on health topics.
This state of art laboratory facility provides the students to practice antenatal, intranatal and postnatal care. The mannequins are provided to practice abdominal examination, delivery and episiotomy suture. The other labs available are Audio Visual Lab, Anatomy Lab.
The college has its own transport. Buses and ambulance are used for sending nusing students to clinical practice.